Across the ocean

Across the ocean

I look back and I saw all the distances
Obstacles I have to endure
To be with you
I question my will
Cuz I dun think I can do it again
To say yes it would be insane
To say no life would be a pain
I kept thinking
Now Im tired of the thought
Im bored pretending
Hiding behind a big fake smiley
Is there anything I can do?
No, and I can justify.
-Ahmad Ridhuan,19-

Fikiran Melayu perlu direformasikan

Sedarlah wahai bangsaku issue yg perlu diutmakan dan dititikberatkan sekarang adalah isu ekonomi,isu membangunkan minda bangsa bukan lagi ketuanan melayu,hak keistimewaan melayu.Kalau kita dapat membangunkan bangsa kita hak dan keistimewaan melayu tidak diperlukn lagi secara automatik terus kita dihormati dan disegani. Setiap kali saya utarakan pendapat di dalam youtube,facebook,forum sering kali pendapat saya akan diselar. Dihantar ayat-ayat yang hanya dikatakan oleh manusia jahil yang tidak berpendidikan. Mantapkan pendidikan,hebatkan ekonomi itu agenda pembangunan bangsa. Hak keistimewaan melayu dan ketuanan melayu itu perjuangan nenek moyang kita tercatit dalam perlembagaan. Malangnya konsep ini disalah ertikan oleh sesetengah pihak bagi membakar hati ekstremis nasionalis melayu yang rata2 tidak mempunyai tahap pemikiran yang tinggi. Sudah lah hentikan perjuangn yang tidak membuahkan hasil yang meletakkan kita jauh di belakang. Dalam hal lain kita sering prejudis terhadap kaum lain.Tahu kah kita jika mereka berada di luar negara cina dan india dari malaysia dianggap sebagai Malaysian bukannya indian atau chinese.Indian utk org dtg dari India,Chinese untuk orang datang dari China. Sebagai Malaysian kita harus mengangkat satu sama lain sudah tiba masanya kita meletak kan perbezaan warna kulit di luar pertimbangan. Terima mereka ni sebagai orang kita,rakyat Malaysia. Sudah tiba minda masyarakat melayu direformasikan sebelum hilang melayu di dunia selamanya.sekian terima kasih.


hye guys!

It have been ages since I posted anything. Apart from the photos.Ive been busy with uni,settling down and stuffs..sorry! Adelaide is nice. Ive got great friends. I wouldnt mind settling down here forever but there are some issues that I have to consider before deciding. The journey have so far been smooth. Since the day I arrived everything have been according to plan. The challenge I am facing now is to mix around with the locals. Ive got lots of friends but they are all Malaysian. But I guess its normal.As an international student Asian especially it is not that easy to blend it however its not impossible.I need time and space I am sure i'll have lots of aussie friends.Communication havent been so much of a hassle because they speak english and so its easy the only problem would probably be the ascent. Not so much of a problem with the city folk however there are some people with really thick ascent its really hard to understand. One thing that I have fallen inlove with in Adelaide is the beach! I love it!Ive been there every weekend for the past few weeks.Glenelg beach is just soo beautiful! As for the uni I think Im happy to have chosen University of Adelaide. They have the best lecturers in the world and buildings with fantastic architecture design. A combination of classic and modern design. I love my course.Im taking a combination of economic and political subjects. So now when I write or talk politics I talk base on facts.I spend hours reading and analyzing political structure of countries. I guess thats all from me for now.g'day mate!