Right now Keadilan is having their polls to choose party leaders. Since this is the party that I wish to join upon graduation I am following this years party polls with much interest. Of the many contests, I would say the contest for the Ketua Angkatan Muda is the most important contest. This is a party of the future, a party that is relatively new and also has a a large young supporters and therefore this position is extremely important. From all my readings one conclusion I can make is Rafizi Ramli is the best candidate to bring Keadilan forward. Lets be practical, Angkatan Muda needs intellectualism and start moving away from street politics. His team, Generasi Reformasi looks good I cant comment on each one of the member of his team but I personally know Saifullah Zulkifli as I have worked with him before during my time volunteering for YB Nik Nazmi two years ago. He is a very talented young man. Angkatan Muda can really use his experience as a student leader and activist to promote intellectualism. Yes I cant vote during this years party election but if there are any party members reading this, why not try something new? Go for Gerakan Reformasi!
P/S: Apparently there are party leaders that read my post therefore I have decided to make a separate post regarding this subject because the previous post was just a random post =)
1 year ago
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